club guidelines

Club guidelines

Every club requires its members to observe certain rules. We like to keep our rules to minimum. They’re based on common sense and courtesy and are designed to keep everyone – instructors, handlers and dogs – safe and ensure everyone enjoys training.

club guidelines


  1. Warringal Obedience Dog Club (WODC) is not responsible for any misdemeanor caused by a handler or dog.
  2. All members must wear their membership card when attending class.
  3. Bitches in season or sick/injured dogs are not allowed on the training ground.
  4. Dogs must be on lead at all times whilst on the training ground, except when engaged in “off lead” exercises.
  5. Dogs must be fully vaccinated, and their vaccination is current, to be allowed to take part in any class.
  6. Dog droppings must be picked up IMMEDIATELY by handlers and removed from the training ground. There’s is a bin next to the shipping container.
  7. Children aged 15 years and under must have adult supervision at all times whilst on the training ground.
  8. Smoking is not permitted in classes on the training ground or anywhere on the school grounds.
  9. A dog that has bitten or shows undue aggression must be reported to an instructor/committee member.
  10. Members are not allowed to use spiked or electric collars on their dogs on the training ground.
  11. Under NO circumstances, at any time, is food to be spat or thrown at any dog or held in the mouth for use as a training aid on the training ground. Discreet use of food from the hand is acceptable.
  12. Instructors are not to take a handler’s dog to demonstrate any exercise.


Caution is required where dogs have been tied up to a post/stake. Members are requested to take care walking past the area at the side of the shipping container and to maintain a safe distance with their dog(s).